What is Hero section

update on: February 2025
A hero section is a large section at the top of a homepage that usually includes a background image or video, a catchy headline, a short description, and a call-to-action button.
what is hero section
Content Tabel
Hero Slider Hero Section  Feature
Multiple slides with differen Single image/video Content Quantity 
Dynamic and interactive Static and unchanging  Interactivity 
engaging and dynamic Simple and minimalist  Visual Appeal 

hero section2

what is a Hero Section

The Hero section is the largest section at the top of the homepage, usually containing a background image or video, a catchy headline, a short description, and a Call to Action (CTA) button. This section is the first thing a user sees when they enter the site and plays an important role in attracting the user and conveying the main message of the site

Hero section and Hero Slider are two common concepts in web design that are usually placed at the top of the home page (the topmost part of the page) and their main purpose is to grab the user’s attention and convey the main message of the site. Here I will explain each in detail

Hero section features

 Background image or video
– Usually a high-quality image or video is used that is relevant to the topic of the site
– This image or video should attract the user’s attention and look professional

Catchy Title
– A short, impactful title that conveys the main message of the site
– Example: “The Best Digital Marketing Solutions for Your Business.”

 Short Description
– A short sentence or two that provides more information about the site’s services or products
– Example: “We help you grow your business with innovative strategies.”

 Call-to-action (CTA) button
– A button that encourages the user to take a specific action (such as a purchase, sign up, or call)
– Example: “Get started now” or “Contact us.”

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Simple and minimal design
– The hero section usually has a simple and minimal design so that the user can easily focus on the main message

Hero Slider

Hero Slider is a dynamic and interactive version of the Hero Section that consists of multiple slides (images or videos) instead of a single static image. These slides change automatically or upon user click, and each can display a different message or content

Hero Slider Features

Multiple slides
– Each slide can contain a different image or video, title, description, and CTA button
– Example: One slide to introduce the product, one slide to showcase the services, and one slide to showcase customer reviews

 Dynamic interaction
– The user can move between slides using the previous/next buttons or navigation dots
– Slides can change automatically at specified intervals

More flexibility
– Hero Slider allows you to display multiple messages or content in a limited space

Visual appeal
– Moving and changing slides attracts more user attention and creates a more engaging user experience

 difference between Hero Section and Hero Slider

 Feature.Hero Section.Hero Slider 

Number of content: One image/video and one fixed message | Multiple slides with different content 
Fixed interaction: and without change | Dynamic and interactive (changing slides) 
Suitable for: For simple sites | Suitable for dynamic and multi-purpose sites 
Visual appeal: Simple and minimal | More attractive and dynamic 

When to use Hero Section or Hero Slider

Hero section: If you want to convey the main message of the site simply and directly, the hero section is a better option. This option is suitable for small, personal or single-page sites.
Hero slider: If you want to display multiple messages or content in a limited space, the hero slider is a better option. This option is suitable for large, e-commerce or multi-purpose sites

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Benefits of using Hero Section or Hero Slider

Capturing User Attention: As the initial element users see, it effectively grabs their focus

Conveying the Main Message: Quickly communicates the site’s primary purpose to users

Enhancing Conversion Rates: Through CTA buttons, it encourages users to take specific actions

Improving User Experience: A well-designed hero section or slider offers a professional and engaging user experience


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Examples of Hero Section and Hero Slider

Hero section: Corporate , personal, or service sites that want to convey a simple and direct message
Hero slider: Store, news, or multi-modal sites that want to display multiple messages or products

What is Hero section

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